Newnham Junior School
Information about Coronavirus and January 2021 Reopening
Remote learning provision due to Covid-19
The effectiveness of remote teaching is determined by many of the same factors as determine the effectiveness of live classroom teaching. For example:
ensuring pupils receive clear explanations
supporting growth in confidence with new material through scaffolded practice
application of new knowledge or skills
enabling pupils to receive feedback on how to progress
Newnham Junior School has considered carefully how to transfer into remote education what we already know about effective teaching in the live classroom.
Interactive platforms
The school invested in Frog many years ago and all year groups have used this interactive platform to set extra learning opportunities, homework and provide information for both children and parents over the years. Each child has their own password and log-in details and they are familiar with navigating the pages to locate the information they need. Frog allows a single point of access for all lessons and resources as each year group has a dedicated page, detailing lessons for the children.
Since the March lockdown, the school has explored ways to improve our remote provision and continues to do so. With another lockdown announced in January we have looked at the recommendations from the Department of Education which states:
‘characteristics of good teaching are more important than the medium of delivery, be it in the ‘live’ classroom or through remote provision (whether or not that remote provision is live or pre-recorded)’.
With this in mind, the school has also started to use Google Classroom to supplement the remote education provision, allowing teachers to host live interactive sessions at least twice a day. We also use pre-recorded lessons, primarily from Oak Academy. As we move to longer term units of work, some year groups are using other applications such as loom to record content to enable clear explanations of new content.
Useful Documents
Daily Provision
The DfE have recommended that KS2 children should have access to 4 hours of learning each day. Daily work includes a range of subjects including English, Maths and Foundation subjects (based on MTP where possible). The core teaching, including the interactive time in the mornings and afternoons will be equivalent to approximately 4 hours of work each day.
Work packs (paper copies) will be available for children who do not have internet access and who do not qualify for school laptops.
Pupils submitting work and feedback
Frog allows children to upload their work and email can also be used to send work to teachers for review and feedback and screenshots can be taken and emailed as attachments. Children are requested to upload their work daily. Although not all work will be given feedback, teachers will aim to provide feedback on key learning objectives.
It is essential for staff, pupils and parents to be able to communicate and year group emails have been set up to allow a two-way system of communication between home and school. Staff aim to check emails daily and reply as soon as possible. Weekly emails are sent to parents to inform them of children who may not be engaging as much as the teacher would expect. There may be times when a longer conversation is needed, and staff may telephone parents to gain extra information.
Supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
All pupils who have an EHCP have been invited into school to be supported by staff. Some parents have taken up this offer while others have elected to support their children at home. Extra support for these children and others has been provided by differentiation in subjects by task or outcome and extra support groups run by teaching assistants. The school has received an allocation of laptops from the DfE and these have been distributed to pupil premium children and other vulnerable families.
Safeguarding and child protection remains a high priority for all members of Newnham Junior School. All video calls made by staff from home have two members of staff present and any issues concerning pupils are reported in line with our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which has been updated with an addendum to cover the pandemic.