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The School Day

Arrival at school

School starts at 8.45am and is open to receive pupils from 8.30am.  No responsibility is accepted for children arriving at school before this time. One member of staff will be on the gate to greet pupils from 8:30am and a second member of staff will be on the playground, near the gate, to supervise the pupils walking into school. Pupils walk straight into school and there is no playing on the playground at this time. 


These members of staff are able to take any quick messages from parents to teachers. If a parent wishes to speak to a teacher personally, they should contact the school office and an appointment will be made. 


Teachers take the register at 8:45am and so ideally, pupils need to be arriving at the gate no later than 8:40am so that they have time to get into school, to get unpacked and settled into their morning activities in time for the registration. 


Any children arriving to school after the gate has been locked should be accompanied by an adult to the school office to be signed in.

Timings for the School Day

End of Day Procedures

Children finish lessons at 3:15pm and are taken onto the playground by their class teacher. The children wait with their teacher until they see the adult who is picking them up. There is also a member of the Leadership Team on duty. If they are not collected by 3:25pm, they will be taken to the school office. 


  1. If you know you are going to be late, please call the School Office on 020 3745 6216 by 3:05pm at the latest. We will then ensure that your child does not go into the playground but waits for you in reception. 

  2. If your plans change during the school day and somebody else needs to pick your child up, please notify the school office so that we can let the child and the class teacher know. If somebody turns up to collect your child and your child was not expecting to go with them, we will need to make contact with you before the child is allowed to go.

  3. If you see someone else’s child in the playground that hasn’t yet been collected please do not take them home, even if you know the parent, as this can cause distress for the child, whoever was meant to be collecting them, and for us in establishing their whereabouts.  In these circumstances, please ask the child to return to the School Office.


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