Newnham Junior School
Friends of Newnham Junior School is a group of Parents and Teachers that organise fund raising events to raise money for the school. These events include Family fun Night, Spring Fair, Childrens' Discos and many more.
Upcoming Events
FONJSA committee meeting
Thursday 30th January
Krispie Kreme Doughnuts
Friday 14th February
Family Race Night and Kids Raffle
Friday 28th February
As school budgets are reducing every year, it is only through your support at FONJSA events that the following was paid for:-
Christmas tree and pantomime
Books and Author Visit
Football and Netball Hoodies
Diwali Dance Workshop
Glow Sticks for Year 6 Carol Concert and O2 Choir
Life Bus education visit
☔ Wet Play Games Appeal ☔
The school is always in need of wet play games for the children to use, but over time these get broken or have parts missing.
We have compiled an Amazon wish list for us to help replace some of the games. If you feel you would like to purchase an item for the school, simply click on the link and select an item from the wish list. Once you have paid, the item will be delivered to the school and distributed between the classes. We thank you in advance for your help.
As parents/carers you are automatically a member of FONJSA....... your voice counts.
We depend on a continual cycle of parent involvement – as children reach their final year and leave, so do their parents.
So, why should you get involved?
1. You are vital to the success of the school
Without the funds raised by FONJSA your children would not benefit from those “little extras” that enrich school life. Funds that we raise pay for activities that the school budget does not cover, such as the Christmas pantomime, playground equipment, tablets for the classroom and educational trips and visits.
2. You'll feel more connected and It’s TOTALLY flexible!
There is no better way to know what events are being planned, have your say or make new fundraising suggestions. FONJSA is made up of a mixture of parents – some work part-time or full-time and some are stay at homers. NONE of us are specialists in fundraising however giving up just 30 minutes to help at an event means that we can put on fantastic experiences for our children to enjoy.
3. Be a role model
By getting involved with FONJSA you will show your children that not only are they important to you but their education is as well. The children love to get involved, especially when they see their parents are part of a team.
How you can help
4. Fundraising from Home
You could even earn donations by shopping online by registering with Easyfundraing (Please see below).
5. And Finally.........
If you work for a bank or a big company like GSK, for example, you might be able to secure the school some free money from your employer. Some companies will 'match' some of the takings at one of our events. It will often mean an extra £500 or £1,000 to the school, so perhaps your employer can help in this way.
Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.
To contact FONJSA call the office or come to our next meeting so we may get in touch with you.