Newnham Junior School
About Us
Please find a copy of our latest report here
Visions and Values - Message from our headteacher
On behalf of the children, staff and governors of Newnham Junior School I would like to welcome you to our website.
Newnham Junior School is a three-form entry school set in the heart of Eastcote in the London Borough of Hillingdon. We currently have 359 children on roll aged from seven to eleven. The school is located on a quiet road in Eastcote, a short walk from the underground and bus routes. It was graded as 'outstanding' following its Ofsted inspection in 2024. The school is situated next to Newnham Infant School, with whom we work very closely.
Our school motto is, ‘Non Progredi Est Regredi’ which translates as, ‘To not go forwards is to go backwards.’ Therefore, the children, and the progress they make in all aspects of school life, are at the heart of everything that we do at Newnham Junior School.
We aim for the children to become intrinsic learners with a love for learning. We do this through giving the children an interesting and vibrant curriculum and the confidence to believe that effort and hard work is vital for progress. We believe that the learning attitudes of resilience, respect, resourcefulness, responsibility and reflection are key to learning (the 5Rs). If children gain these skills, alongside intrinsic motivation, we know that the children who leave this school will be ready for the next stage of their education.
We are an extremely successful school. Our academic results for Key Stage Two are higher than the local and national results, with some placing the school in the top 20% nationally. We are also proud to have significant sporting and musical successes throughout the local area, Hillingdon Borough and London.
We believe our success is due to the excellent relationships we have between children, staff and parents; the high quality teachers; the varied curriculum; our positive ethos and the wide range of extra-curricular clubs, visits and opportunities we encourage the children to participate in. Everyone's contribution is valued and we have excellent relationships with different members of our school community which ensure that the school has a positive and welcoming environment
The school is served by a committed, pro-active governing body whose members execute their duties in a highly professional and supportive manner. The governors' dedication to Newnham Junior School ensures strategic management and accountability at all levels.
The school's parent community - Friends of Newnham Junior School (FONJSA) - works with enthusiasm and generosity, raising funds throughout the year to help support projects at Newnham. Most recently, this has included raising money to help improve our outdoor and indoor environments.
Newnham Junior School is an outstanding school - not because of an Ofsted grading - but because the fantastic children, staff and parents make it that way by striving to make progress. It is my privilege to be the school's Headteacher and I hope that this website gives you an insight into our wonderful school life.
Mr N Wilkey, Headteacher