Newnham Junior School
Information about Coronavirus and Reopening
September 2021 OPENING
Thank you for your support during these challenging times. We understand how difficult it has been for many of you and appreciate that you understand that the school has done its very best in the circumstances.
From September 2020 the school will re-open, full time, for all children - You are probably aware that the Government have decided that it is safe for children to return to school in September. We will be following strict safety and hygiene measures set out by the Government to ensure the children are safe. If you require more information about this, please refer to the attached list of Frequently Asked Questions which are also on the front page of FROG for your information.
The children will be placed in year group bubbles - Even though the press have reported that primary schools will be in class bubbles, the government guidance states that they can also have year group bubbles. It would be impractical to run a 3 form entry school in class bubbles, largely due to the stagger that would be required for break and lunch times. Please be reassured that these year group bubbles do not significantly increase the risk of contracting Covid19.
The curriculum will be taught as normal - At Newnham, we have a very strong curriculum which inspires the children and we want this to continue. There will be maths and reading tests during the first few weeks of term to identify any children that have fallen behind. It is likely that these children will have extra maths and English lessons to catch up.
There will staggered start and finish times - To ensure social distancing occurs the staggered times will be as follows:
Useful Documents
A member of staff will be on duty to help make this run smoothly and it is very important that:
You do not drop off or pick up your child before your allotted time slot.
You leave the school premises as soon as you have your child.
Parents will not be allowed on the playground at drop off times*
We are aware that many children will have siblings in other year groups. Where this happens, the children can be dropped off at the earliest time slot of the year group their children are in. If you need to wait for other children at pick up times, we would ask that you keep your child/children under your supervision and that you avoid mixing in large groups.
All children should attend from Friday 4th September and attendance will be mandatory - The government have informed us that all children should be attending school unless they have a medical reason with a letter from the doctor. We will not be able to give authorised absences for your child being anxious about the virus. We understand this seems harsh, but if your child is worried it would be very useful if you could begin to prepare them by reassuring them that there is very low probability of a child being badly affected by Covid19.
Please note these organisational points
School dinners will be available to order and further details from The Pantry will follow shortly.
Children should wear full school uniform, with trainers until further notice.
Children should have school equipment (pencils, pens, rulers etc.) as they will not be allowed to share.
Children will wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE.
It is impossible to include all of the details required in one letter and please refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you still have concerns, please contact us via email to or phone 020 3745 6216.
Once again we would like to thank you for your support. We hope you have a lovely summer holiday and let’s hope that by the time we return to school a vaccine will be imminent.