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Every Action Counts

Infection rates in the west London area haven’t fallen as low as other parts of the capital.


It is vital that we all do our bit to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Every action we take will help to keep our borough safe. So please continue to:


â–¶ Wash your hands

â–¶ Cover your face

â–¶ Keep a safe distance

â–¶ Get tested

â–¶Take your vaccine when offered



Hillingdon Covid Landscape

Information about Coronavirus and Reopening


We are opening for all year groups on Monday 8th March.
We are sure that the majority of children, parents and carers are looking forward to this. The staff of the school are overjoyed.


The timings for the school day will remain the same as they were in the first term and are as follows

Useful Documents

Returning from Lockdown

Letter from Mr Kent

What to Do if 

Coronavirus related absence

Risk Assessment


Behaviour Policy

* Please see Appendix 3

Child Protection Policy

* Please see Appendix 1

Breakfast Club - This will resume for all children from Monday 8th March and please complete and return the attached form to by Thursday 4th March if your child will be attending.


After School Clubs - These will hopefully resume in the Summer Term and details will follow shortly.

Active Early Years Academy - Sarah Paterson has confirmed that her After School Club will be restarting on Monday 8th March.

Equipment and Uniform - As in the Autumn Term, uniform needs to be worn by all children and it is recommended that children wear trainers. Children will need to wear their PE kit into school on the days when they have PE. The children in 4CH, 4K, 6NW and 6S should come into school on Monday 8th March in their PE kit as they have PE on that day.

Your child should bring in a reusable water bottle daily as the water fountains have been turned off.

If possible, please send your children in with the following equipment so they do not need to share:-

  • A pencil case with pens, pencils, ruler, sharpener and an eraser

  • Headphones

  • Hand sanitiser

  • Tissues


Mental Health Support - If your child is overly anxious about returning, has suffered the loss of a loved one or is extremely worried about the virus, please let the school know. Many of our staff have received training to enable them to deal with these issues and will be happy to speak to the children about these. Please also see attached letter from Mr Kent, our Mental Health Lead. 

School Safety
The Government have made a few minor changes to the requirement of school safety. These have been added in italics to the bullet points we gave in September, detailing how we will keep each other safe within our school community:

How the school will be organised to keep your children safe

  • The children will be placed in year group bubbles.

  • There will staggered start, break, lunch and finish times.

  • The children will have designated areas of the playground.

  • The school will follow its normal Behaviour Policy with added amendments to ensure the children follow the hygiene and cleanliness rules.

  • When possible, a normal curriculum will be taught.


How the staff will try to keep your children safe

  • The staff will follow the government guidelines for hygiene and cleanliness.

  • The staff will take an asymptomatic COVID test twice a week.

  • The staff will wear masks in communal areas and face shields if they are working within 2 metres of the children. Please prepare your children for the fact that some members of staff may be wearing masks while they teach.

  • The staff will not attend if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 and will get themselves tested immediately if they show these symptoms.

  • The staff will ensure that the children follow the Government Guidelines for hygiene & cleanliness

  • The staff will keep 2 metres away from the children as much as possible.

  • The staff will socially distance themselves from each other.

  • The staff will follow the normal Behaviour Policy with added amendments to ensure the children follow the hygiene and cleanliness rules.


How parents/carers will try to keep other children safe

  • Parents/carers will not send their children into school if anyone in their household shows symptoms of Covid-19 and will not allow their child to return until the person showing symptoms confirms, through testing, that they have not got the virus.

  • Parents/carers will ensure that their children are aware of the hygiene and cleanliness guidelines

  • Parents/carers will ensure that their children are aware that the school will have different rules which endure that hygiene and cleanliness rules ae followed.

  • Parents/carers will follow social distancing rules at pick up and drop off times.

  • Where possible only one parent/carer should enter the playground at home time pick up.

  • Parents/carers will not enter the school building unless by prior arrangement.

  • Parents/carers will wear face coverings when collecting their children.

How children will try to keep each other safe

  • Children will know why they need to be hygienic and wash regularly.

  • Children will respect and follow the zones in which they are allowed to play in.

  • Children will distance themselves from those not in their bubble.

  • Children will follow the behaviour policy  and be aware of the different measures put in place to ensure hygiene rules are followed.


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